Investor Intros
In their first 30 days using’s X-Ray tool, Investor Intros generated 10 times as many hot leads, 5.5 times more email engagement, and an additional $50k into their sales pipeline. They increased MRR by 80%.

Success Story
Investor Intros used to identify visitors to their website, send them targeted outreach based on their interests, and convert those visitors into sales.
Added to their Sales Pipeline
Increase in email engagement
Increase in hot leads

Their Story
Helping founders find investors they can trust
Investor Intros helps entrepreneurs start and grow their business. They match clients with pre-screened investors interested in their client’s project. Their mission is to make the process of raising capital faster and easier.
Their Goal
Increase Conversion Rate & Engagement
Investor Intros’s goal was generating website traffic through paid ads but that traffic wasn’t converting to leads. They also needed a better process for nurturing those leads and turning them into clients.

Their Solution
Prospecting Data & Automated Outreach Campaigns
Investor Intros used’s X-Ray tool to identify warm leads. These automatically went into targeted email and SMS funnels.
Their Success
In just 30 days, Investor Intros increased their number of hot leads by 10 times.
Their targeted email funnels generated 5.5 times as much email engagement as previous efforts.
These efforts added $50,000 to their sales pipeline and increased their MRR by 80%!

Tools Used
Signs of Life Detector
Sales Outreach Automation

Mark Allen, founder of Investor Intros
“ is the highest yielding marketing channel for us, beating Facebook and Google”